Picture of the 7 CD set of the Buddhism compendium
Dear friends in the dhamma,
I am a Buddhist monk that has been working for many years in
conjunction with several other peoples to create the worlds first and only CD library of
Buddhism for the English speaking world. The BUDDHISM COMPENDIUM disks 1-7, has gone
through over 30 revisions and reorganizations and has reached the level of over 150,000
pages of text and 140 hours of Audio on Buddhism. All materials are the best that can be
found on Earth and many that cant be found anymore, some portions are scanned documents
but most is MS Word and PDF text files. CD number 1 has several thousand files by itself
and took 3 years to finish. 30% of the text has been compressed to fit all this
information onto currently 7 650MEGABYTE CD Roms. There is currently over 4.5 GIGABYTES of
information on Fundamental Buddhism comprising %70 Sutras and ancient texts and
dissertations by the Masters of Both Mahayana and Theravadan sources. Concerted efforts
have been made to keep all contemporary materials of a Non-Revisionist nature, such that
Neo-Buddhism and Buddhistic type materials have been left off of the final cuts of CDs 1-7
The audio is of a Superb nature both essential materials and in depth are included in MPEG
crisp format. The worlds only Audio reading of the entire Diamond Sutra as read by a
Dharma teacher and of the Dhammapada are on this BUDDHISM COMPENDIUM collection. Thirty
hours of the audio are of introductory materials and of the history of Buddhism in great
Also included on the CD set is what was known as the "Handful of Leaves" CD Rom
formerly available on the internet for purchase but now discontinued by the author due to
overwhelming demand.
Included among thousands of Buddhist books and Holly Sutras are the entire Pali Tripitaka,
part of which a large portion is in English. %95 of all materials on the 7 CD are in
English, the remained being in Pali. I cannot list the entire contents of the 7 CDs in
this proposal due to the thousands of files and many thousands of books and dissertations
on Buddhism collected here.
The Orthodox Buddhist foundation is asking for donations for the continuance of this
collection to expand for the purchase of scanning equipment, a DVD writer and manpower to
expand this set to its rightful conclusion of ALL the English Sutras into this the worlds
first and only Buddhist Library on CD. Over a decades worth of work by many peoples have
gone into its creation and we would like to fulfill this obligation to Buddhist English
speaking world for the propagation of the Buddhist Dharma to be in such a form that a
Library of Buddhism can be on CD not only for portability but for propagation of the
Many of us realized long ago that many materials of a profound nature translated into
English quickly went out of print and that these materials, if not preserved would pass
away forever forgotten and or lost to rare book stores and aside from the Tripitaka, all
or most of these materials would not be available to the Buddhist community from the
ancients Masters and some of the Sutras themselves. Most knowledge by English speaking
Buddhists is %90 percent relegated only to contemporary works sometimes of a very
questionable nature and they don’t have access to or cant find the original materials
of the Sutras and the very words of the Buddha himself to refer to and make in depth study
This, for any Buddhist, can be assuredly considered of a very profound and important
nature that these materials are not only preserved but most importantly propagated to the
Buddhist community.
The conception (as it currently stands) that an entire Buddhist Library can be contained
on 7 CDs and endless numbers of hours of audio on Buddhist history, meditation, and
practice, and over 150,00 of reference texts is of a major achievement for the Buddhist
Myself and others having worked many thousands of hours on this project to which we feel
so dear is to continue it as far as can be achieved.
Over 100 CDs of formerly disks 1 through 3 (earlier version) have been purchased by
Buddhists with outstanding reception of its contents and depth of coverage. Now into
version 15 and comprising 7 CDs, the Orthodox Buddhist foundation wishes to ask for
donations for the continuance of and expansion to the BUDHDISM COMPENDIUM.
CDs 1 through 7 are also available for purchase. For a NON PROFIT donation of $80.00 you
will receive all 7CDs. For a donation of $45.00 CDs 1-3 will be sent to you.
All non profit donations are accepted and very welcome indeed. If interested in a donation
or of purchase of the Buddhism Compendium please email back and an address will be given.
PHONE INQUIRES CAN BE MADE AT: 1-859-266-5570 (United States) leave a message and someone
will return your call.